21/05/22 - Horse Handling Course

Horse Handling Course 

Saturday 21 May 2022 - 10am to 12pm

£25 per person

SOLD OUT - More dates coming soon

Duration: 2 hours approx

Date:  As above or any date requested by any group of people who wish to learn these skills for their work or for themselves. Please apply to Mary at the centre by email or phone.

Venue: Moorcroft Equine Rehabilitation centre, Slinfold, W. Sussex. RH13 0RB

Suitable for: Any person who wishes to know more about the basic respectful safe handling of all horses. A confidence building session which can be built on.

Course Tutors: Mary Frances BHSII & BHS.SM and Lianne Bird BHSII

Cost: £25 person (All proceeds go to help the ex-racehorses at the centre)

This is a basic course to give confidence and skills to those who have not handled horses in the past. It will have a one-to-one aspect and will focus on basic, easily understandable and easily accessible skills to be able to handle a horse kindly and safely for all.

It will include:

·      Approaching a horse in the stable

·      Putting a headcollar on

·      Leading the horse safely

·      Leading a horse in a bridle

·      Trotting a horse up

·      Picking up a horse’s foot correctly and safely

·      Checking the shoes

·      Approaching a horse in the field safely and with clarity and confidence for all

·      Putting the headcollar on in the field

·      Leading the horse from the field.

·      Approaching a frightened horse – understanding how to calm the situation down safely for all

·      Touching and handling horses correctly and with respect

.      Understanding their body language and what dangers may occur

This course is offered to and is suitable for:

  • Racecourse staff
  • New recruits in the police force who may need to handle horses
  • St John's Ambulance recruits who may help at equine events as Fence Stewards
  • Fire Brigade crew who help with the rescue of horses
  • Other animal rescue charities
  • Any person who wishes to be more confident around horses
  • County Council staff who need to handle stray horses from time to time
  • Any organisation wishing to know more about handling horses

Please contact Mary on 07929 666408.

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