
Equine Physiotherapy At Moorcroft

There is much evidence that physiotherapy increases healing, restores, maintains and improves muscular health, function and well-being. Physiotherapy will help to reduce pain that has been caused by muscle spasm, encourage tissue healing and recovery, improve muscular tone which in turn can improve joint range of motion and function. It is vital that all horses but especially those undergoing veterinary intervention or rehabilitation have regular physiotherapy, even those on box rest, to prevent marked atrophy occurring. 

Physiotherapy addresses and strives to improve not only the horse’s musculature, but also the posture, comfort and well-being, as well as also improving proprioception and neuromuscular control. When a horse has had any kind of lameness, the body has to compensate to deal with the pain which they are feeling, sadly this then means that the horses’ muscles are being used incorrectly which can cause muscle hypertrophy, atrophy and or pain. 

By having regular physiotherapy, and working closely with the vet and trainer, rider, saddler and farrier, the horse gets a completely comprehensive care system. It is also vital for regular assessments to be carried out to determine how successful certain veterinary intervention has been and how the horse is progressing during their rehabilitation. 

The physiotherapist will assess the muscle tone, development, symmetry or asymmetry, record areas of discomfort and determine what structure may be compromised and if an issue is improving or worsening. It is important that we all work together: The trainer, physiotherapist, Veterinarian, saddle fitter and farrier all have an input and must all respect each other for the sake of the all important horse and the success of achieving soundness so work can be comfortable and progressive. 

Here at the centre Mary leads the team but all are involved and much success is achieved. We would love to help with your particular horse’s problems and we like to involve the owner rider as much as possible. 

Ring Mary for more info or any questions 07929 666408
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