26/10/20 - 3 Day Adult Training Course

3 Day Adult Training Course
At The Centre - With Your Own Horse
The Development Of Your Horse's Back

26-28 October 2020
Total Cost - £399 per person

Come along to Moorcroft Equine Rehabilitation Centre and bring your own horse for an Adult 3 Day Camp. Includes stabling, turn out, lorry or trailer parking, all training one-to-one, use of all facilities, lectures and refreshments. Accommodation available locally. 

10am - 4pm on Monday 26 October 2020 and Tuesday 27 October 2020
9am - 3pm on Saturday 28 October 2020

One to one tuition in indoor school be very qualified experienced staff.

What you will gain from the course

  • The art of Long-reining for real improvement in your horse’s posture and muscle development.
  • To ride your horse better with more understanding and confidence.
  • Basic massage skills and an understanding of palpation of your horse’s important muscles.
  • A greater understanding of Tack fitting
  • You will meet other like-minded people who strive like you do to learn more.
  • You will receive valuable one to one tuition tailored to YOUR needs and that of your horse
  • You will grow in confidence and gain a much deeper understanding of your horses needs and his/her feedback to you
Please call Mary on 07929 666408 for more information or any questions.

LIMITED TO 6 PEOPLE - so plenty of 1 to 1 help.

Stabling and bedding available on site for your horse.
Accommodation available locally for humans! 😊
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