03/12/24 - Fundraiser Raffle

Charity Fundraiser Raffle

Draw will take place on 3 December 2024

at our Come Dine With Us event

£5 per strip of 5 Raffle tickets


Moorcroft Equine Rehabilitation Centre is fundraising for the charity. All proceeds go to help the horses at the charity. We rely heavily on fundraising to ensure that we can continue helping retraining and rehabilitating the horses in our care.

We have loads of amazing prizes with gifts kindly donated by our supporters including: (see poster below)

You can purchase a strip of 5 tickets for £5 - each will be entered into the draw. Your ticket tailor reference will be applied to the tickets purchased. The draw will take place at our Come Dine With Us event on 3 December 2024. Tickets are also still available for this event here).

Please support us and purchase as many tickets as you can and you will have plenty of opportunity to win a lovely prize.

Moorcroft holds a current licence from Horsham District Council to sell raffle tickets for the Charity. Our Charity Number is 1076278.

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