18/06/22 - In Tune With Your Horse - Part 1

Sue Newport

In Tune With Your Horse - Part 1

With Sue Newport - Healer, Teacher & Mentor

18 June 2022 - 10am to 12pm

£40 per person


In Tune with your Horse is a series of workshops introducing ways of connecting with yourself and with your horse to awaken your awareness of the possibilities for a more meaningful and amazing relationship, not only with your horse but also other animals and people.

Sue is a healer and therapist helping people and animals to reconnect with themselves and each other. In a world where there is so much negativity, animals bring us back to a place within ourselves where we can find harmony and meaning in life. Through these workshops you will start a holistic adventure in opening your natural, innate abilities of communication with yourself and with your horse.

This first workshop is for you if you:


  • Have been wanting to develop a better relationship with your horse or have tried a vast array of things to help your horse and found them short-lived, expensive or simply do not work?


  • Are open to the possibility that instead of looking outside for help you have your own undiscovered intuitive ability that you can use.


  • Are prepared to look at yourself, the way you behave around your horse and take responsibility to make positive changes.


On this morning workshop we will explore through a mixture of theory and practical exercises:


  • How we unknowingly affect our horses
  • How to become more present in their company
  • How we can make changes in ourselves that will positively affect our horses


If you are curious, come along to this session. Please bring a pen and paper, this will be an interactive workshop so you can go away and surprise your horse!


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