19/03/22 - Ridden & Long-Reining Demonstration

Long Reining & Ridden Demonstration

Saturday 19 March 2022 - 10:30am to 12:30pm

£30 per person


Please join us at Moorcroft Equine Rehabilitation Centre on Saturday 19 March 2022 at 10:30am to see a demonstration of the horses being ridden and long-reined with a full explanation of the rehabilitation work being done at the Centre. It will focus on how to return your horse to work safely and soundly after:

  • Time off
  • Lameness
  • Surgery
  • Box rest

This will involve:

  • Demonstration of rehabilitative long-reining explaining importance of good posture of the equine spine.
  • Demonstration of helpful developmental riding techniques to enhance your horse’s posture.
  • Problems to look out for, understand more and help to solve and/or avoid

All will be adhering to current guidelines on Coronavirus.

Just £30 per person. All proceeds go to help the horses at the charity and these much needed funds are welcome, so thank you for your support.

All proceeds go to help the horses at the charity.

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